And there I was,
Glancing at the photo before me.
Taking in the glory of God
Of where he has placed me
Beholding his goodness upon me
His unmerited favor because of the seat he had positioned me
Seated, in the black of my skin
Seated, in the power of his might
Seated, by the feet of king Jesus
Seated, by the throne of grace
Seated, in the courts of my God
Seated, unqualified amongst the qualified
Seated, yet, STILL qualified
Seated, in the presence of my enemies
Seated, to the right hand of the father
Seated, in his mercies
Seated, in the will of the almighty
Seated, in all humility, low beneath his feet
Seated, above ONLY
Seated, in my gender, in my race
Seated, in the path of righteousness
Seated, in all my peculiar-ness
Seated, differently
Seated, above all that I could have ever asked or think
And there I was...
Seated at the table that thou has prepared before me...